Idaho Citizens for

Good Government

Is this the revival? Is it in time?

On September 29, 2024 an amazing collection of ex-liberals, ex-democrats, ex and current athiests and evolutionists came together to support Donnald Trump for President.  

The event was the kick off of a movement entitled “Rescue the Republic”.

This phenominal event came about because many people from all walks of life see the threat we face to freedom, peace, and life as we know it as existential and immediate.

You can see an un-cut recording of the 7 hour event here and here follows links to parts you might want to check out.

(00:49:00) Honoring Doctors & Fire Fighters
(00:53:40) Moment of Silence for Chief Corey Comparator
(00:54:40) National Anthem, Caitlynne Curtis & Dpak
(00:57:15) Bishop Carlos Mendez, Prayer
(01:00:00) Rob Schneider – education that hurts
(01:01:13) Dr. Bret Weinstein – brilliant oration for freedome from a evolutionary biologist
(01:19:25) Tyler Fischer – comedy – covid cost him his job, impersonations: Musk, Shapiro, Trump, Biden
(01:27:17) Dr. Jordan B. Peterson – how we went wrong – power vs sacrifice
(01:49:20) Dr. Chris Martenson – CBDCs and the end of freedom
(02:08:20) Matt Tune – Donation pitch
(02:12:20) Col. (ret.) Douglas Macgregor – stop forever wars
(02:15:00) Tulsi Gabbard – The Military Industrial Complex and the War Threat
(02:47:20) Mary Holland: Childrens health defense, vax list, Hollond’s story, Malone on psy ops, self rep. MRNA vaxs, Ron Johnson the struggle of good vs evil
(03:07:30) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – MAHA, Medical Censorship, Assault on our Rights, Resist!, sick facts,
(03:47:30) Lara Logan – stop the war machine, bring God back to the center
(03:54:32) Russell Brand – Great speech and mock debate with Jordan Peterson ending in the Lords Prayer!
(04:26:41) Matt Taibbi – Exposed the twitter files, propaganda, constitutional stories
(04:54:37) Del Bigtree – His story and movie, met RFK jr., child vaxs not tested,, RFKjr story
(05:29:13) Tiffany Justice – Mom, news on school boards, get involved politically
(05:32:00) Dr. Heather Heying – Evolutionary Biologist, greatness of human babies, parental authority, MAHA, school indoctrination, DEI, BLM, Gender attack is family attack,
(05:51:35) Vani Hari – SAD is poison, exaples,
(05:59:57) Lucky Basseri – 16 year old politician and freedom fighter
(06:12:28) Eric Bolling – ex FOX, Ukrane war, intro Dore
(06:13:55) Jimmy Dore – stop listening to the corp media, I fel for covid scam, learned it was fake, Kyle Ritenhaus story, our unity causes them fear, love thy neighbor
(06:25:38) Brandon Straka – walk away, we should be able to find common ground, we must stop the D party, his story.
(06:43:57) Heather Wilson & Jacob Wells of GiveSendGo
(06:50:41) Jack Posobiec & Mike Benz – take a step. Eph 6:12 – there is a reality we don’t see, Jesus, God said “I am not picking on you, I picked you.”
(07:02:11) Organizers Dr. Bret Weinstein, Matt Tune, Angela McArdle
(07:03:52) Walter Kirn – My bedtime story, why don’t we have a hammer, pick up your hammer and build America.

Much of these speeches are addressing symptoms of a corrupt federal government and the core cause of that corruption is the corruption of justice.

Our courts and laws have slowly deviated from common sense and full accountability for everyone.

Americans must relearn the founder’s ideas and see how to best restore this justice and accountability for us to survive.

Even the likes of Russell Brand realize that without God’s help, we are doomed.

Seek God with all your heart, then do everything as if it were up to you.  If enough of us can work together fast enough, we can turn this around with God’s help.

Trump will buy us time, but we must mature and be strong and wise to keep our freedom.

Eternal vigilence is the cost of freedom – always.