Idaho Citizens for

Good Government

What's wrong with DEI?

DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. On the surface these terms seem like good things.

Diversity is great in a population of people because each individual has unique talents and perspectives and taken together, makes society host to all kinds of different ideas.

Diversity also implies the freedom to be different than others. Don’t we want to be free to choose to do things our way rather than have to conform to what others might want us to be?

Equity could mean one of two kinds of equality.  Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.  In equality of opportunity we have the possbility for anyone to succeed like anyone else.  In equality of outcome, we have the promise that great differences between individuals, such as financial resources, social standing or housing standards will be managed to prevent gross differences between individuals.

Inclusion simply implies that all individuals, perspectives and distinctives are welcome.  No one will be left out of the promise of equity for all.

Sounds great but...

Each idea seems good on the surface in that each part of DEI is generally found within a free society that is ruled by the law of love.

Unfortunately there is no way to enforce these attributes in society apart from the law of love, especially if the equity you are trying to promote is equality of outcome.

This is precisely because of the natural diversity of a free people.

Whatever system of equality of outcome you try to impose ends up directly opposing diversity.  That is because no matter what kind of attribute between people you are trying to equalize, you will have a diverse range of abilities between individuals.

Liberty and equality of outcome cannot both exist.  The communist party has chosen equality to reign over liberty which is why every communist society is essentially a collection of slaves and even in these kinds of societies, some are just more “equal” than others.

On the other hand, if equity means equality of opportunity, that is relatively easy to approach by the simple idea of equal protection of the law.  This simply means that we all live by the same rules and no one is above those rules.

Equality of opportunity also requires a fair and accessible justice system where disputes can be ajudicated and settled without violence or high cost.

The current popular argument against DEI by people like Elon Musk is that hireing practices used to promote an even distribution of races, sexes, and gender identities in the workplace resultes in mediocre performance because instead of choosing the best individual for the job, we are choosing the least represented person-type regardless of the job.

We have a handful of person-types we identify as needing management but there are an infinite number of possible person-types one could chose to enforce equity upon.

Though merit-hireing is a good arguement against DEI, it misses the simple and obvious fact that DEI is unobtainable in a free society.

In conclusion...

Diversity of individuals opposes equality of outcome and thus forces a straight jacket on society to try to manage a balance between both.

Even in prisons, there is no equity.

Inclusion simply tries to apply the first two conflicting ideas to everyone and removes freedome of association and individual choice.

The desires of the individual are overriddent by the requirements of the whole, and like any collective society, collapse or tyrany is inevitable.

DEI is just a new label for the utopian idea of a centrally managed society.  It cannot work, yet in striving to achieve this impossible result, we create the very things we hate: strife, limitations, unfairness, and division.

The typical methodology of collective thought is to first break down a working society living under the law of love and justice and then to offer a utopian alternative to the created problems to justify violation of the principles of liberty and justice in the name of “the ends justifies the means”.

The utopian promise of DEI becomes a unassailable standard that cannot be opposed without being labeled a “racist” or “homophobe” or “sexist” or “ageist” or whatever sounds horrible and forces all (inclusion) into a war to the death to achieve an impossible goal.

Don’t fall for the scam.