Idaho Citizens for

Good Government

It’s not about what they say.
It’s not about how they look.
It’s not even about what party they belong to.
It’s about how they vote that matters.

The level of corruption in politics has gotten to the point of near collapse of our state as a free and republican form of government.

Corruption is rampant and rapidly growing in our state.

This is not party politics.

This is about preserving and restoring proper representative government to our country.

Join us to help educate the people about what has happened and to get tools and information out to them that will allow them to make intelligent decisions.

Know what is happening in our capital, and who is doing what and why.

Know who is funded by whom.  If we don’t act now, all could be lost.  This is the time for the people to wake up and force our governments back into the safe box they were placed in by the constitution.

This is NOT a political action committee.  ICGG is focused on voter education and exposure of government corruption that hurts all of us.  We do NOT endorse any specific candidate or political party.  We tend to support conservatives and republicans only because we support constitutional, honest and limited government.

This isn’t JUST politics either.  We have a moral obligation to preserve the blessings of liberty.  Political action alone will not get the job done.  This is about education, exortation, inspiration, discernment, prayer and action – at home, at work, in the public square, at the ballot box, in the press, at church, and at school.

A great video on why good bills
aren't getting heard.

Ahaa!  You Tube took down this dangerous video that exposes how committee heads block good legislation and who they are in Idaho.

Hmmm..  I wonder why they would do that?

Steps to being a good citizen (not a slave):

  1. Inform yourself (watch this video)
  2. Contact the accused and give them a chance to explain themselves: (the email addresses of these 4 Idaho legislaturs from their official pages on [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
  3. If they can’t give you a good answer to the accusations, or refuse to reply to you, try calling their office – give them yet another chance.
  4. Once you know from the horses mouth that these guys are a problem, tell the world and get these guys out of office – or – if they turn out to be falsely accused, let the authors of this video know that you disagree and why.

By taking steps in this way you give the accused a fair shake and don’t let the media or social networks trigger you into a mistake or into making a false accusation.  At the same time you get to know personally the people that are making decisions that affect your life and the lives of your family, friends, employers and others.

The more people that make a difference, the bigger the difference becomes.

Knowledge is power – but only if you use it.

What we are FOR:

What we are Against:

An Informed ElectorateA Manipulated Electorate
True Transparency in GovernmentUnelected and Unaccountable Government
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of HappinessPre-crime, Behavioral Control and Laws of Whim
Do No HarmThe Ends Justifies the Means
Personal ResponsibilityCollective Control
Moral Education with Parental ControlCentralized Education Policy and Control
Honest MoneyFiat and Manipulated Currency
Freedom of ConscienceThought Crimes and Woke Browbeating
Freedom to Speak the Truth in LoveCensorship to Maintain a Narrative
Open CommunicationsClosed, Monitored and Manipulated Communication
A Free PressCentrally Controlled/Owned Media
All Government Spending Controlled by the PeopleUnaccountable Black Projects
True Rule of Established, Understandable and Stable LawRule by Edict, Whim or Fashion by Color of Law
Personal Privacy and AutonomyMonitored and Cataloged Individual Activity
Peace Among MenProfit by War and Death